Body Plant Services Construction Machinery. O – This is a hotkey to the Options Menu. You can open swokotor2.ini if you are using KOTOR 2.

In most cases, this is found in the LucasArts folder which is within Program Files on Windows. kotor 2 console commands influence Hello from your subreddit mods! E – Cycle through the targets, going from the left to the right. F8 – This button also serves as a ‘Quick Save’ button. Introduction: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (SW:KOTOR) is an RPG for the XBOX and PC. Obviously, we are talking only for computer users since the Kotor 2 Console Commands are not available for Xbox or Android. After his mother, the beloved Rebel Queen, is betrayed and murdered by her own faithless lords, young Maric becomes the leader of a rebel army attempting to free his nation from the control of a foreign tyrant, in the prequel to Dragon Age. This is a Star Wars prequel done right - with nary a Gungan in sight. When in this game, you learn that every little bit helps.

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